
8 Self-Care Tips For the Highly Sensitive Person

Your sensitivity is a gift, and it also brings its fair share of challenges. Like all superpowers, you want to know how to wield your sensitivity properly while caring for yourself well so that you are in charge instead of being overwhelmed by your sensitivity. 

Self-care should be a TOP priority for all of us, but even more so for you if you are highly sensitive. Without optimal self-care, you run a risk of burnout, resentment, overwhelm, and even illness.

The suggestions I am offering you in this free guide are not one-stop shopping, meaning that they are things that must be applied over and over again in your daily life. The choices you make at the moment each day are the things that create your life, and with your choices, you are either making things easier for yourself or more difficult.

Mother Wound Ebook


The Mother Wound is a result of the rupture of our connection with the Mother: the Divine Mother, Mother Earth, and our birth Mother. It runs very deep.

The Mother Wound has far-reaching repercussions. It creates within women feelings of lack, chronic fear, of not-enoughness, anger, depression, feelings that there is something wrong with us, patterns of self-sabotage, perfectionism, people-pleasing, chronic stress and worry, relationship issues, boundary issues (trouble saying no), trust issues, a tendency to not speak up, to hide feelings and squelch your own dreams, therefore settling for scraps. It makes us give ourselves away. These feelings get passed down, mother to daughter, generation after generation. Essentially it stunts our growth and stunts our potential. It keeps us small and if we allow it, it will keep us locked into a childlike way of being that cuts us off from our essence and our highest potential.

Meditation To Meet the Great Mother Goddess

In this guided meditation, you will meet the unconditionally loving, nurturing, and supportive Great Mother goddess. Connecting with the Great Mother can help you to feel more connected to yourself, to life, and to mother nature. In addition, your connection with her can be cultivated over time, offering a sense of internal safety and can be a supportive resource for years to come.

Guide: Get Off the Emotional Roller Coaster

Do you feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster? One minute you feel great, and the next you feel paralyzed with fear. In the course of a single day, your emotions and moods might be all over the map. I totally get it! I created this free guide, “21 Practices To Help You Get Off the Emotional Roller Coaster” just for folks like you so that you have some practical tools and strategies you can use to bring your life into balance. I share a mix of somatic and cognitive tips for a balanced approach that works.